One of the most exciting ways to propose would be to have the question pop in during a radio or television show that your girlfriend is particularly fond of. Arrange with the studio beforehand to announce your proposal at a strategic time like just before the announcement of winners at the show. However be sure to casually ask your girlfriend if she is going to catch tonight's show since you don't want her to miss the proposal after you have gone through all the trouble of fixing it. Most importantly, arrange to be present with her when the question comes so that you can witness that priceless look of amazement and love on her face.
Skywriting is undoubtedly one of most fantastic ways of proposing to your girlfriend. The difficulty in getting a trained pilot makes it rare and therefore all the more exciting. But best of all, you can announce your love for your girlfriend before the whole world and if this does not get a yes from her, nothing will.
Another public but not such a spectacular proposal can made with an advertisement in a newspaper. First of all note a particular newspaper or periodical that your girlfriend reads daily.
A girl fond of her dancing shoes may love being proposed to on the dance floor at a happening discotheque. Take your girlfriend dancing one evening but give no hint that you have planned something special. Then while her favorite dance numbers are playing, ask the DJ to hand you the microphone so that you can dedicate a song to her, after which announce your proposal in front of the whole crowd.
Hot Air Balloon Proposal - Last of all is a hot air balloon proposal. Consider hiring a hot air balloon so you can go up for awhile and while you're up there above the world in such a romantic and exciting setting, ask her to marry you. It will be a moment that the two of you will never forget.
Another public but not such a spectacular proposal can made with an advertisement in a newspaper. First of all note a particular newspaper or periodical that your girlfriend reads daily.
A girl fond of her dancing shoes may love being proposed to on the dance floor at a happening discotheque. Take your girlfriend dancing one evening but give no hint that you have planned something special. Then while her favorite dance numbers are playing, ask the DJ to hand you the microphone so that you can dedicate a song to her, after which announce your proposal in front of the whole crowd.
Hot Air Balloon Proposal - Last of all is a hot air balloon proposal. Consider hiring a hot air balloon so you can go up for awhile and while you're up there above the world in such a romantic and exciting setting, ask her to marry you. It will be a moment that the two of you will never forget.
A girl fond of her dancing shoes may love being proposed to on the dance floor at a happening discotheque. Take your girlfriend dancing one evening but give no hint that you have planned something special. Then while her favorite dance numbers are playing, ask the DJ to hand you the microphone so that you can dedicate a song to her, after which announce your proposal in front of the whole crowd.
Hot Air Balloon Proposal - Last of all is a hot air balloon proposal. Consider hiring a hot air balloon so you can go up for awhile and while you're up there above the world in such a romantic and exciting setting, ask her to marry you. It will be a moment that the two of you will never forget.
About the Author:
Hot Air Balloon Proposal - Last of all is a hot air balloon proposal. Consider hiring a hot air balloon so you can go up for awhile and while you're up there above the world in such a romantic and exciting setting, ask her to marry you. It will be a moment that the two of you will never forget.
About the Author:
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