When one thinks of kangaroos, they tend to associate it with Australia, these animals are found in Australia in large numbers where they are able to provide a lot of benefits for the continent by being able to provide a tourist attraction facility and also the good leather and the meat that is obtained from them after they have been slaughtered.
For the love of football, a large number of kangaroos are killed to make boots that are used for this game either worn by the players or the fans themselves. They provide the best source of leather since they are elastic and still retain their strength even though their thickness might have been reduced to a considerable amount. In fact this leather is much stronger than the leather than is obtained from the cow skin.
The leather being somehow elastic, it is known to fit in with the shape of the feet of the player providing the best grasp for hitting the football.
Different shoe making companies have resorted to use kangaroo leather because of this and Adidas is the leading shoe company known for doing this.
In fact, they were able to make one of the best leather shoes that were admired by most players and fans. Liverpool's midfielder Craig Johnston was a big advocate for this leather shoes but after being conscious of the animal rights he stopped playing football with shoes made by kangaroo leather and instead advocated the use of synthetic material to make the leather.
This has not stopped the fans from buying the shoes since there are other players who use the same kind of boots and hence
The leather being somehow elastic, it is known to fit in with the shape of the feet of the player providing the best grasp for hitting the football.
Different shoe making companies have resorted to use kangaroo leather because of this and Adidas is the leading shoe company known for doing this.
In fact, they were able to make one of the best leather shoes that were admired by most players and fans. Liverpool's midfielder Craig Johnston was a big advocate for this leather shoes but after being conscious of the animal rights he stopped playing football with shoes made by kangaroo leather and instead advocated the use of synthetic material to make the leather.
This has not stopped the fans from buying the shoes since there are other players who use the same kind of boots and hence
In fact, they were able to make one of the best leather shoes that were admired by most players and fans. Liverpool's midfielder Craig Johnston was a big advocate for this leather shoes but after being conscious of the animal rights he stopped playing football with shoes made by kangaroo leather and instead advocated the use of synthetic material to make the leather.
This has not stopped the fans from buying the shoes since there are other players who use the same kind of boots and hence they want to be associated with them.
Most people who are against the killings of kangaroo protest a lot concerning this animals since they believe that the species is being wiped out without being replaced especially when the mothers are being killed.
They are also claiming that whatever is being done towards these animals is not right since this animals end up being killed mercilessly and have to undergo a lot of pain.
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This has not stopped the fans from buying the shoes since there are other players who use the same kind of boots and hence they want to be associated with them.
Most people who are against the killings of kangaroo protest a lot concerning this animals since they believe that the species is being wiped out without being replaced especially when the mothers are being killed.
They are also claiming that whatever is being done towards these animals is not right since this animals end up being killed mercilessly and have to undergo a lot of pain.
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