Fireman Halloween costumes are really the only thing you need to consider if you're hoping to find the male alternative to those sexy costumes women are always wearing. Any man looks great in a fireman's outfit. Heroic, strong, proud, manly. You can weigh three hundred pounds, you can have a nose too big for your face, you can have a serious lisp, but women will swoon over any guy in a fireman's outfit.
But let's talk about the responsibilities of real firemen for a moment. The part of the job you always see is very exciting, very dangerous and very brave. They rush into burning buildings and save people in distress. But the REAL heroic part? They're willing to sit around being bored stiff for hours a day, just waiting for something to happen.
Real fire fighters perform a duty that is incredibly important, and that's why they're considered so sexy, but there's a price to pay with all of the boredom and ennui they sit through.
But let's talk about the responsibilities of real firemen for a moment. The part of the job you always see is very exciting, very dangerous and very brave. They rush into burning buildings and save people in distress. But the REAL heroic part? They're willing to sit around being bored stiff for hours a day, just waiting for something to happen.
Real fire fighters perform a duty that is incredibly important, and that's why they're considered so sexy, but there's a price to pay with all of the boredom and ennui they sit through.
You, on the other hand, just get to wear the costume. No sitting around wishing you had something to do, you don't even really have to risk your life (unless you really really want to) putting out fires. You just get to put on that really cool hat and overalls and bam, instant lady magnet. But, you gotta get into character. Here's how you prepare for Halloween as a fireman.
Grow Some Facial Hair
If you can grow a mustache, start letting it grow out a month before Halloween. The bushier the better. Without the outfit, you might look a little creepy because who wears mustaches these days? But it'll all be worth it when you put on the overalls and your friends who spent all of October making Hall and Oates jokes at your expense sit there wishing they'd thought of that. While you're at it, you'll probably want to start letting a one day beard grow out on the thirtieth to ensure that you look suitably rugged by the time the party starts.
Develop a Brooklyn Accent
What's sexier than a fireman? A New York Fireman, that's what. If you really want to sell the part, if you really want to be the lady's man of the party, you'll want to start watching some Harvey Keitel movies. In particular, check out Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, watch them on loop so that you can really get a feel for gritty New York life and really play the part of a tough Brooklyn fire fighter.
Soot it Up!
Burn some win corks and use the soot to powder your face and suit so that you can lo
If you can grow a mustache, start letting it grow out a month before Halloween. The bushier the better. Without the outfit, you might look a little creepy because who wears mustaches these days? But it'll all be worth it when you put on the overalls and your friends who spent all of October making Hall and Oates jokes at your expense sit there wishing they'd thought of that. While you're at it, you'll probably want to start letting a one day beard grow out on the thirtieth to ensure that you look suitably rugged by the time the party starts.
Develop a Brooklyn Accent
What's sexier than a fireman? A New York Fireman, that's what. If you really want to sell the part, if you really want to be the lady's man of the party, you'll want to start watching some Harvey Keitel movies. In particular, check out Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, watch them on loop so that you can really get a feel for gritty New York life and really play the part of a tough Brooklyn fire fighter.
Soot it Up!
Burn some win corks and use the soot to powder your face and suit so that you can look like you just came from the fire when you get to the party. The only thing sexier than a New York fire fighter is one who just came from a fire. It's all about playing the part, so don't let a little ash on your face bother you, you're a fireman, remember?
About the Author:
Develop a Brooklyn Accent
What's sexier than a fireman? A New York Fireman, that's what. If you really want to sell the part, if you really want to be the lady's man of the party, you'll want to start watching some Harvey Keitel movies. In particular, check out Mean Streets and Taxi Driver, watch them on loop so that you can really get a feel for gritty New York life and really play the part of a tough Brooklyn fire fighter.
Soot it Up!
Burn some win corks and use the soot to powder your face and suit so that you can look like you just came from the fire when you get to the party. The only thing sexier than a New York fire fighter is one who just came from a fire. It's all about playing the part, so don't let a little ash on your face bother you, you're a fireman, remember?
About the Author:
If you are searching for a great Fireman Halloween costume, you will find it fast! See a huge selection of Fireman Halloween costumes when you visit today!