No one is awake in the house when your eyes snap open. You run down stairs, almost crashing down them in your haste. It's Christmas morning and the living room is full to bursting with presents. You want to open the biggest, but your mom thrusts a package into your hands and mumbles, "This is from your Aunt Dee." It's a scratchy, hot, ugly sweater...and it's going to be weeks before you can safely throw it away.
Kids who were traumatized by these ugly Christmas sweaters are now the parents, and that means that those horrid things have passed beyond the realm of fashion...even for obtuse aunts and grandmothers. A simpler, more stylish form of Christmas spirit has come into focus for families everywhere: the cherished Christmas T-Shirt!
Kids who were traumatized by these ugly Christmas sweaters are now the parents, and that means that those horrid things have passed beyond the realm of fashion...even for obtuse aunts and grandmothers. A simpler, more stylish form of Christmas spirit has come into focus for families everywhere: the cherished Christmas T-Shirt!
I will be the first to admit that I LOVE Christmas t-shirts. I buy a few each year and wear them from the end of Thanksgiving all the way to Christmas morning. The ritual of the whole thing gets me in the mood for Christmas faster than any fruit cake could, and I can still maintain my dignity. Weeks before the Holidays start, my co-workers start asking me when the Christmas t-shirts are going to start showing up. I just smile, because I know they are looking forward to my seasonal wardrobe change just as much as I am.
Sure, I do bring out the campy Christmas t-shirts for the sake of irony and because it brings my friends all kinds of pleasure when I wear them. Now that the Internet is at the fingertips of everyone these days, Christmas fashion is no longer limited to just the kitschy, campy shirts. You can find inspirational Christmas t-shirts based on religious themes, cute t-shirts that make the girls giggle, artistic Christmas t-shirts that inspire nostalgia and emotion, and even naughty Christmas t-shirts with a wicked sense of humor. I, of course, limit who I wear my naughty Christmas t-shirts around. Only certain types of people think an image of Santa Clause pooping down a chimney for naughty children is funny. I just happen to be one of those people.
As you can tell by now, there are literally thousands of Christmas t-shirts to choose from out there, which makes it pretty darn easy to fi
Sure, I do bring out the campy Christmas t-shirts for the sake of irony and because it brings my friends all kinds of pleasure when I wear them. Now that the Internet is at the fingertips of everyone these days, Christmas fashion is no longer limited to just the kitschy, campy shirts. You can find inspirational Christmas t-shirts based on religious themes, cute t-shirts that make the girls giggle, artistic Christmas t-shirts that inspire nostalgia and emotion, and even naughty Christmas t-shirts with a wicked sense of humor. I, of course, limit who I wear my naughty Christmas t-shirts around. Only certain types of people think an image of Santa Clause pooping down a chimney for naughty children is funny. I just happen to be one of those people.
As you can tell by now, there are literally thousands of Christmas t-shirts to choose from out there, which makes it pretty darn easy to fi
Sure, I do bring out the campy Christmas t-shirts for the sake of irony and because it brings my friends all kinds of pleasure when I wear them. Now that the Internet is at the fingertips of everyone these days, Christmas fashion is no longer limited to just the kitschy, campy shirts. You can find inspirational Christmas t-shirts based on religious themes, cute t-shirts that make the girls giggle, artistic Christmas t-shirts that inspire nostalgia and emotion, and even naughty Christmas t-shirts with a wicked sense of humor. I, of course, limit who I wear my naughty Christmas t-shirts around. Only certain types of people think an image of Santa Clause pooping down a chimney for naughty children is funny. I just happen to be one of those people.
As you can tell by now, there are literally thousands of Christmas t-shirts to choose from out there, which makes it pretty darn easy to find a shirt that exemplifies your sense of style and festiveness for the season. I will never let a Christmas season go by without wearing my Christmas t-shirts. They not only help bring me into the mind-frame of Christmas, but I find that it helps everyone else around me as well. Christmas is about sharing, family, and friends. It's a celebration of religious belief for many that centers on the ideas of thoughtlessness for self and the consideration of others. I'd like to think my Christmas t-shirts help remind those around me of that.
About the Author:
As you can tell by now, there are literally thousands of Christmas t-shirts to choose from out there, which makes it pretty darn easy to find a shirt that exemplifies your sense of style and festiveness for the season. I will never let a Christmas season go by without wearing my Christmas t-shirts. They not only help bring me into the mind-frame of Christmas, but I find that it helps everyone else around me as well. Christmas is about sharing, family, and friends. It's a celebration of religious belief for many that centers on the ideas of thoughtlessness for self and the consideration of others. I'd like to think my Christmas t-shirts help remind those around me of that.
About the Author:
To learn more about Christmas t-shirts, you should check out Christmas t-shirts for an informative product site.